I have a mission. Shall I really choose to accept it?
Well, here it is. It’s nothing trivial; I just want to change the world. For the better, I should add. (Erase from your mind any image you may have
conjured up of me as a cat-stroking, scar-faced megalomaniac. Well, not yet anyway.) So how do I intend to address this
ultra-important and massive task? Well,
let me be a tad more specific.
There is the ever-present danger of us all disappearing
under our own rubbish and rot. The world
is reportedly getting hotter and the ice caps are slowly melting. Researchers
say there is a very small chance that the seas around us could raise by a
metre. That’s quite a lot and we have
already seen the devastation that flooding has made around the world. The UK produces more than 100 million tonnes
of rubbish annually, including 15 million tonnes of food. Much of this ends up
in landfill. So what does this continued
exercise mean for the future? My
over-active imagination leads me to anticipate a landscape of rugged new
mountainous regions where we will all need crampons and ropes to do our weekly shopping
run. This is no good for me. As much as I love walking, I am, in fact,
hideously afraid of heights and get a nosebleed going up my stepladders to
clean my downstairs windows.
So how can we stop the rapid growth of rubbish-infused
hillocks from appearing? Re-using stuff for one. Although we can recycle a lot more plastic
now, I still find myself with an ever-growing stack of trays of varying pattern
and size. Junk-modelling is still a firm
favourite amongst us childcarers. Many a
time I have returned from school pick-ups with a double pram’s worth of cereal,
bottle top and cardboard tube funnel creations.
Working with extremely small profit margins forces people like me to reuse
lots and buy very little. In fact, its
months since I bought glue, instead making my own from flour and water. Thanks to a childminding colleague, I now
reuse my plastic milk bottles as watering cans after a minor adjustment to the
In fact choosing to be more environmentally friendly
forces us to be more creative. I
recently made my own cosy den for the children using only resources I already
had. Luckily, I tend to have things that I can use for a variety of purposes
including lots of large pieces of fabric.
Granted, it took three attempts to get to the final, and most
successful, version (i.e. one that didn’t collapse on entry) but that made it
all the more fun to produce. (I do like a challenge!) It’s really satisfying to
make your own stuff; almost as good as growing your own food. I do like to own things I know are unique to
me (and, believe me, there really isn’t anything in existence which resemble
the things I make.)
So the next time you go shopping and are tempted by the
cheap buys (and I know what that’s like – I’m a sucker for a bargain) ask
yourself if there is an even cheaper and more environmentally friendly
alternative. I can guarantee the enhancement of the ‘F’ factor……… Fun!
Life Love and Dirty Dishes
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your description of cat-stroking scarfaced megalomaniac made me chuckle. A thought provoking post. #FridayFrolics
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment, Island Living 365!
ReplyDeleteGood for you! I'm a big believer in up cycling, recycling, eco alternatives and general homemade happiness! #thelist
ReplyDeleteI truly believe you are right and applaud what you are doing, but I have one problem. I am really REALLY crap at 'crafts'! Thanks for linking up to #FridayFrolics
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to be good at crafts. You just need to have the stuff in for the kids. ( They are far more creative than me.)
DeleteYes, you're right & we should all do this more. If I'm being completely honest, my 2 & 3 year olds are very capable of turning any craft, project or toy into, well, rubbish. It really does make more sense to start out making these things from rubbish & save waste!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for joining us on #FridayFrolics. Hope to see you next time